Sunday, January 17, 2016

Ohana Mass

We attended the Ohana (Family) Mass at St Raphaels in Kauai this morning. This mass is adapted for families with an intellectually disabled member and also included family members with special needs. This is a new type of Mass in Kauai; it is celebrated the 3rd Sunday of most months.

The purpose of the Mass is to give families a chance to celebrate together as a family without restrictions. On usual Sundays, the family attends Mass in shifts. The disabled member was given a pictured name tag. If it is difficult for the disabled family member to stay in one place, they are free to roam.

A disabled member was a server at mass. The ushers were a father and a disabled son on one side of the church and a mother and disabled daughter on the other side of church. Parents did the readings. The priest welcomed the community and explained the purpose of the mass.

When we stopped at the church a day prior, we saw the posting for this special mass. When we were there a smiling man greeted us as he was cleaning the church with his daughter. We saw this man again today with his daughter, wife and son. The father and son were ushers. The man had pure joy on his face. He mentioned how proud he was that his daughter is so helpful to his son. I was struck by how similar that is to my granddaughter Tanis and how she so gently guides Roman. Maybe someday Roman will usher at a Mass too.

I spoke with one of the Mass organizers who said they are advertising for the Mass throughout the island and doing outreach as they are able. This is a diocesan activity. Priests from other parishes come to say the Mass. If it is found that there is a more central location, the mass will be moved there. It was pure happenstance that we found this Mass, but it really inspired me.

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